Toy Appeal delivers new toys for 5,600 children in poverty
The Winter Toy Appeal has had a record year – collecting new toys for well over 5,600 children in poverty in North and East London. This...

Trick or Eat for Hackney Foodbank
Trick or Eat is coming to Hackney for a second year running, with residents urged to collect vital supplies for Hackney Foodbank this...

Winter Toy Appeal reaches 4,500 children in poverty
It has been a record year for a Winter Toy Appeal that delivers gifts to children experiencing extreme poverty in North and East London....

Local Buyers Club launches sixth Winter Toy Appeal to help children in poverty
Imagine going without lunch every day so your children can eat. Imagine being so hungry you load your coffee with seven sugars at the...

Food banks: Flawed benefits system failing Hackney’s most vulnerable
(The team at Hackney Foodbank) Residents with severe mental health problems are being thrown on the scrapheap and left to a downward...

Foodbank reveals bleak picture of poverty in Hackney
In the face of tremendous adversity and ever-worsening local poverty, Hackney Foodbank is providing a vital lifeline for thousands of...

Hackney’s poorest children endure third-world conditions
Thousands of Hackney children are living in third-world, Dickensian conditions, according to a charity which coordinates a Winter Toy...

Winter toy appeal responds to devastating poverty
The Local Buyers Club is helping to run a Toy and Food Appeal which will deliver gifts to thousands of inner-city children living in...