Guardians of the Arches - David takes on Goliath in East London and beyond
(Credit: Sarah Ainslie) There’s an uprising happening against crippling commercial rents and it’s being led by little East End...

Rent hikes - biggest threat to East London's independent businesses
Landlords demanding astronomical rent increases from small businesses are eroding East London’s communities and way of life. That’s the...

What is the biggest threat to East London’s independents?
Landlords demanding astronomical rent increases from small businesses are eroding East London’s communities and way of life. That’s the...

Have yourself an authentic East End Christmas
East End traders are calling on the public to make their Christmas shopping experience more authentic with a special weekend celebrating...

One woman and 200 businesses fighting to keep it local
(Picture credit: Marcus Duran) One determined East London woman has rallied traders, saved small businesses from closing and taken on the...