Organisers prepare for Inaugural Islington Festival of Music and Art
A four-day Festival of Music and Art is coming to Islington this summer – offering 15 events from chamber music to traditional jazz!...

Kickstarter campaign for Stroud Green roof terrace
A new roof terrace restaurant could be on the cards for Stroud Green thanks to a Kickstarter campaign by Goods Office. The popular...

Restaurants reopen but another cliff edge looms.
Diners can venture back into restaurants today but with almost 10% closed permanently since the pandemic began, there are gaping holes in...

DabbaDrop to launch zero waste store and ready meals
East London’s sustainable Indian takeaway DabbaDrop is poised for big things. They’re gearing up to deliver London-wide, are developing...

Cooking up a social, healthy summer with Greenwich Pantry
Ever longed to learn how to use a knife like a professional chef, make sushi or amazing bread? A cookery school in London is counting...

Crowdfunder secures a makeover for Hackney’s TopUp Truck
This trusty milk float struggles to get past 14 miles per hour yet for those looking to live more sustainably in Hackney, it’s something...

All’s Well for Hackney restaurant born to keep staff going in lockdown
As lockdown devastated Central London’s hospitality industry, renowned chef Chantelle Nicholson was so determined to keep staff on that...

Born in lockdown – the story of Circla, London’s refill beauty business
Claudia Gwinnutt was on the brink of her first big contract supplying refillable beauty products to hotels, when Coronavirus sparked the...